We the citizen of India govern the country through the representatives elected by us through secret ballot as we have selected democracy as a system of governance. We have brought several changes in our socio-economic system. Now the government employees are sucking blood out of the system. We need to rectify the system to prove that we are the real masters of Indian democracy.

Mandala Vigilance Committee with full power to scrutinize the performance of every government department functioning within the mandal area should be established. It should contain two representatives from each village of the mandal. The representatives should be elected unanimously by the villagers.

The duration of the MVC should be two years. The members of the outgoing committee should not be elected to the new committee. The family members or close relatives of the outgoing committee are not eligible for election into the new committee. MVC should not contain family members of any government employee.

MVC should meet on Sundays. It could summon any government employee working in the mandal to appear before it to answer the allegations leveled against him. After the question hour if MVC feels that further probe is required it will entrust the job to a five member fact finding committee.

If the report of the fact finding committee goes against the employee, MVC asks the State government to transfer the employee from the mandal with in a month. State government should honor the request of MVC. If any employee is rejected by two Mandala Vigilance Committees he should be relived from service.

It should be made mandatory for the government employees to get permission from MVC to buy fixed assets. Pay hike for employees by the state government should be endorsed by the Mandala Vigilance Committee. In the absence of endorsement pay hike will be ineffective in that mandal.

If the Mandala Vigilance Committee unanimously passes a resolution asking the State government to reduce the existing pay scale, the government must oblige. No employee will be permitted to have trade links with individuals or firms anywhere in the state. If the MVC feels that any retired employee is having sufficient income for survival the retirement benefits should be stopped hence forth.