Human race is running in a wrong direction. Truthful knowledge is the base of Hinduism. Knowledge is like a rusted weapon when it is confined to books and preaching at religious ceremonies. Appeasement in any form requires suppression of truth. Survival human race is more important in Hinduism than a short tenure of power to rule a state or country as a whole. Election manifesto of Hindu Model Party shall depict a perfect theory of governance and its practical implementation.
Why do we need another party when so many empty bowls are making harsh sounds in political arena?
India is on the verge of political bankruptcy. It is a known factor that businessmen are now governing the country under the guise of a political party. India needs another freedom struggle. It is a long process.
Who shall participate? And why should they?
Youth shall participate in this struggle. Youth are the strength of a nation. They should be the main beneficiaries of our reforms.
Is it possible and feasible under the present scenario?
Yes. Revolution is not a cakewalk. There would be several hurdles on the way. It is our duty to clear them for the next generation.