This question always lingers in human mind. 'What is my duty?' Answer reveals your knowledge and perception of this universe. If your mind is open to truth, it keeps on shattering the old beliefs down till you reach a point where you believe nothing. That is a stage where you travel miles ahead of people around you. But that does not certify your intelligence. Your perception of truth indicates that you are no longer a fool.

Then you question yourself. The perfect answer is ' do what pleases thy self'. Atma is divine, pleasant, powerful and perfect. My blogs and websites are outlets of my pleasure. Truth is always naked and in raw form.

I see no difference between a prostitute and a government employee who is corrupt. What shall be the social rank of a voter who sells his franchise? Atma is never ambiguous in answering any question. Defect is in human mindset. It is influenced by its own desires and passions.

A teacher with a stick in his hand often looks like a terrorist. Who is a better person, a terrorist or an air force pilot? A doctor who prescribes more medicine than what is actually required to cure ailment of a patient is a professional killer.

It is time for socio-economic and religious reforms in India and across the world. I feel the Universal energy taking control over my atma. Infact I am a slave of that energy. Voice of Truth is my duty and boss.

Is there anything like noble duty on earth. It is ridiculous to project anything as noble. Is sleeping with one man throughout her life a noble act for a lady? Is killing soldiers and civilians belonging to enemy country a noble act? Killings in the name of race and religion are most dastardly and shameful acts. Projecting the God, you believe in as superior to other gods surviving on earth is fallacious and foolish.

Once you accept a certain duty as noble, you may neglect other jobs that need your attention. I feel teaching as a criminal profession. There are several reasons to prove that my statement is correct. often truth is quite unbearable when it creates tremors in your mind.

What you perceive as a noble act today may lose its shine after a decade.