1. It is the responsibility of every government to utilise the natural resources under its control and workforce available within the country most effectively, efficiently and economically for the welfare of its citizens.

2. It should be made mandatory for the eligible voters to work for the state government freely for twelve consecutive days in a year.

3. All kinds of factories, industries, trucks, tractors, earth moving equipment, transport vehicles etc. must work freely for the state government for twelve consecutive days in a calendar year. The State government should bear the fuel, labour and other input costs.

4. The State government shall undertake wholesale business in non perishable items. The commission shall be below five per cent.

5. We need air, water and food to survive on earth. We must preserve them in the purest possible form. Any race that lets the industrial waste and drainage from towns flow into rivers and streams is cruel and uncivilised .

6.The salary of a government employee should be on par with the average annual income of a farmer holding six acres of wet land.

7.All the teachers and government employees who prefer to educate their children in private schools should be discarded.

8. ‘One house for one family rule’ will lay foundation for a healthy society. It will halt the artificial real estate boom. All the vacant house sites should be taken over by the government

9.Ownership of Agriculture land: Doctors, traders, contractors, mafia leaders, judges, lawyers, teachers, officers, politicians etc. are now in the race to buy agriculture land. Now the majority of the tillers are peasants. Agriculture land owned by the non farming community shall be taken over by the government.

10. Government should never borrow money from any source. Confiscate the assets of the rich to repay the old debts. Scrap all the subsidy schemes till we clear the debts.